The WHITE Family

The WHITE Family

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


There are always those cute sayings your child does, that every parent thinks is just so cute. Luke has started a new phrase, "what's that makin' noise?" It is the cutest thing. He sounds so country when he says it lol. Anytime he hears a noise he hasn't heard before, or hears at a random time, his eyes light up and he says, "what's that makin' noise".

I love how much Luke loves to learn. He loves playing memory now, and he is good. He is growing so much, so fast. He can count to 30 now. He still loves puzzles. He will play soccer outside for hours. Even when momma&dadda are tired&drenched in sweat, he still keeps going. He absolutely lovesss baseball. He likes to stand in the living room floor and catch our tosses over and over again.

I am so proud of everything Luke does. I am so blessed to be his mom!


Kenz Mackk said...

Sweet blog T. He is a smarty pants. I almost fell over when I heard him counting on the phone. He is special, very special.

sarahg said...

Gabe asks about sounds all the time...I thought it was a little different at first, but am glad to know he is not the only one!! Love your blog!