The WHITE Family

The WHITE Family

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Lucas Lee,
In May, one of the worst tornadoes recorded in history hit in Joplin, Missouri. It has been all over the news since the storm. It is a tragedy. Mostly, I love to keep your blog positive and happy. But, I know one day, you will be learning about this storm in class. I want you to know first hand that your Aunt T was there to help. Even through everything your Aunt T has been going through, she never stops helping others. Above, is a picture of her on her trip into Joplin. She took these pictures on this blog during her journey. Our family all believes in the "I am Second" team. It's a team designed to remind everyone that God is first, we are second. Their mission is to spread God's love to everyone and be a witness of him. Aunt T, is on the team. One day when you look back on these pictures, just remember how lucky and thankful we are for everything we have. Love and appreciate all of life. And if we ever face tragedy together, just know that God loves us and protects us still.

Joplin High School. Graduation had just finished before the storm hit.

Driving into Jopling. Tamara texted me and told me she almost threw up. The heartbreak was so severe it made her shake.

I am Second team passing out water to workers and survivors. Lucas, this is what I hope for you as you grow. I hope you are there to help others in a time of need. I want you to be a witness of Gods love in the face of tragedy. I want you to be someone that will donate your time to serve others. You have already started that! You go with mommy&daddy to help volunteer at the South Plains Food Bank, you have attended several charity walks and events. Please continue to do this as you grow.

Baby, I cannot guarantee that life will always be easy. I cannot guarantee you will go without pain. But, I can promise that God and your family will be behind you no matter what.

I love you,

Memorial Day Weekend

Friday, May 27, 2011

A day in the sun~

I cannot wait for more sunshiney days with Luke this summer!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

3 year old buddies

When Lucas was 10 months old, I went back to work briefly. I taught pre-k for a private learning school. Luke was enrolled in the early learning program. That's where Luke met his very 1st friend. lol. But seriously, Tony and his family were the only good thing that came out of that experience ;)

According to Luke's teacher, he and Tony hit it off from the very beginning. They would crawl around and chase each other and play every day together. After 1 year of teaching, we decided I would go back to being at home w/Luke. To keep a story short, Tony's parents and I had lunch after church one Sunday about Tony and by that monday, I was watching him at my house. (They were not happy about his care at the previous center) We were on the same page about watching to teach our children, by letting them explore and learn by play. I dove into the new life change head and heart first. Its been over a year now that I have been watching him in my home and I love it!

There is no possible way I can keep this blog and no make an entry solely dedicated to Tony! He and Luke are so close. They are best buds, partners in crime, toddler testers, etc. lol. I have been so blessed to get to watch them grow and play on a regular basis. We have lots of memories and Lukes picture books are filled with pictures of Tony and Luke. Playing at the Science Spectrum, almost every park in Lubbock, hiking, eating pizza, jumping on the bed, etc...all together with big ol' smiles on their faces!

Luke and Tony,
I hope both of you boys will still be friends when you're 16, 18, 21 years old. You make my day with your "boyish" daily antics! I love how ya'll 2 have your own languages together, which includes a little evil laugh at the end. It's been a blessing to teach both of you many early lessons in life. Some of your favorite things to do together: play trucks in the back yard, make mud and roll around in it like lil piggies, play at the park, eat watermelon (both are fruit lovers!) jump on the bed, & play super-heros. Tony, you are always Spider Man. And Luke, you are always Super Man.

Our family loves you and your family Noah Antonio!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Our little boy is 3 years old! He is an energetic sweet heart!!!!! We love him to pieces and thank God every day for him! We love you Lucas Lee!

I love him...

Justin and I love this little guy :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A good day gone bad..

Yesterday was bit of a difficult day.

As I was cleaning out my purse, I found an appt card. Yesterday, we were supposed to have a sonogram to find out the sex of our baby. It was an instant slap to my face. A kick in the tummy. A heart broken again. I cried for about 10 minutes straight. Not the kind of cry that is controlled. It was like I felt the pain of loosing a baby all over again. An instant reminder of how broken I have been over the past month.

Ironically, I had visited with my good friend, Samantha, the night before. Sam shared a book, "Heaven is for Real".

When I was taking Luke outside to enjoy a beautiful afternoon I saw the book sitting on the kitchen table. I picked it up and outside we went. I had no idea the many messages God was going to share with me through that book. Not knowing anything about the book, I dove into it heart first. I will not ruin the book for anyone who has not read it by sharing the story. But, I will share that many of times throughout the book, I was reminded how God is in control. I was reminded that there is no better place to be in the world than in the hands of the son of God. I have a very strong faith, and I know I will get to see my babies again. ( I have lost 2 babies within the past 4 years.) I have hurt, but I have never questioned God on whether or not my babies were safe. I have always known they were. I choose to believe in our God. I choose to believe I will get to hold our babies again. One day. Until then, I will love and appreciate all that God has blessed me with on this Earth.

While I was cooking dinner, I had another crying time with Justin. While he held me, he reminded me as well, that God loves us even when we feel we are being punished. That His needs for us outweigh our needs for our own self. It's a good reminder to have every once in awhile =)

*In closing, I would completely recommend that book to anyone who has not read it! I laughed and cried my way through it lol. Big messages through 4 year old eyes! I went to bed last night in peace. Partly because of my MAVS win lol...but mostly because of the messages I received from our God yesterday. It's all going to be okay. Life will be okay, if I give up my own needs more often and let God work.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Silly Bath!

This little fish loves his bath time! =)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Being a MOM

Coming upon Mothers Day allows me to reflect on what being a mom means to me:
It means:
- getting to be silly, just because
- singing songs and doing dances
- being PROUD in every definition of that word
- Laughing even when you don't want to
- Endless amounts of kisses, hugs and laughs
- Coming up with the most creative ways to eat ;)
- experiencing "life" all over again
- the sweetest prayers prayed nightly
- finding joy in our simple nightly walks around the block
-being okay with not being selfish
- waking up and getting a sweet hug always
- Loving unconditionally
-Being loved unconditionally
- doing more laundry (lol)
- answering 10000 questions daily
- buying clothes and toys because Luke will "love" them
- Big containers of "cheese balls" to eat!
- Falling in love w/Justin everyday while watching him&Luke play
- On a whole new level, enjoying date nights
- Pizza on Friday nights =)
- Knowing God and loving Him even more for His blessing of being a parent
- Roadtrip for family time!
- Thanking God daily for our little miracle

* I hope you all have a very blessed Mothers Day weekend!*
All my love,