The WHITE Family

The WHITE Family

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This and that...

The more we have been on our journey with the fertility doctor and our ob's, the more personal I have become with the whole process. It's probably why I quit sharing so much for awhile. I have enjoyed reading others blogs while taking a blogging break for a moment.

Life has been really busy. Non stop really since Christmas. I will update, post pics, etc later.

Today, I want to take my thoughts to words on this blog. I want to document where we are, what we have been doing. I believe in miracles and I fully believe Justin and I will be blessed with another baby and I do believe fully it will happen this year. Despite what the medical side believes, I can feel it in my soul. Lately, I find myself decorating a baby (that I don't have) future room. (Thanks Pinterest!) I look at Pottery Barn kids for bedding all the time. Picked out names and imagined life with another baby in our home. And I am not even pregnant. Maybe a little crazy?! Either way, I can feel it and I believe it will happen.

Our doctor appointments are almost complete for this round and I feel really good. A couple of months ago, my doctor caught something on my blood work that had them look a little more into my thyroid. Turns out, my thyroid wasn't functioning in "range" for about 18 months. I get blood work once every few months (for Lupus) and have for almost 6 years, from the same doctor. How he missed something like that, I have no idea. But, no sense in looking backwards in frustration. I just keep looking forward to what miracles could happen. They started me on some medication for it. Hoping it would fix itself, if not, we would do surgery. Luckily, after 7 weeks, my thyroid started responding. My energy level has more than increased. The best part about the thyroid and hormone meds, my hair has grown a lot and I find myself having great hair/skin days more often than not!

Hopefully I can report back soon that we have a little miracle growing in our life. I just have this really confident feeling that God will be blessing our family soon. :)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good luck Tara! My sister-in-law has had a lot of fertility issues. She blogs about it often. You can find her on my page - Meet the Joiners.