The WHITE Family

The WHITE Family

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


My poor baby has RSV =(. I am glad we finally know what is going on with Luke though. Besides the first 3 months of living in the hospital with Luke when he was born, we have NEVERRRR seen our baby this sick. Its awful. He has been running 102 temp- he sounds like a dragon is living inside his chest- and he alternates btw extreme fussiness and sleep. Except when he sleeps- he coughs the entire time.

We went to the dr. this morning. His pediatrician was going to put Luke in the hospital-except there was not an open room at either hospitals in Lubbock. Apparently, many children in Lubbock are sick with RSV, bronchitis, tonsilitis, etc. We had to purchase a nebulizer and we have 2 prescriptions. 1- for antibiotics and 1 for the juice for the nebulizer. We go back in 2 days and Luke will get another X-Ray of his chest. If it still looks as bad as it did today- he will have to be hospitalized. So, we are really hoping he responds well to medicine&breathing treatments.

Luke is trying to be the toughest boy though. He is very fussy&does not want mama to leave him for a second. But in between cries, he says "momma luke sick", & "lala uuuu" (thats an i love you with snotty nose&no energy). Justin&I are just praying for him- we have all the confidence in the world in our Father- The Healer. We also have so much faith in Luke. He is a really tough boy with a sweet heart&soul. I know he is being so strong!

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