The WHITE Family

The WHITE Family

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Father's Day

Father's Day was a simple, relaxing day with our little family. We played outside, swam, napped, watched movies, ate hamburgers & just enjoyed being together. Justin is a wonderful daddy. He has always been awesome- from day 1. He changes diapers, gives baths, reads stories, wrestles, tickles, colors, paints, laughs, gives lots of kisses and hugs. But, more than anything, he is so patient and loving. Luke&J have a bond that can never be broken. They are best buds, father&son. Luke loves playing in the garage working on Justin's show truck. They will spend hours outside working in the yard&garden. I could not ask for a better man! But, the most important thing Justin does, is Loves Lukes momma ;)

My Dad--is awesome. 1 of my heros in life. He is the hardest worker you will ever find& very successful because of his hard work. I love him more than words can ever say. We didn't get to make our trip to Dallas- but my dad was traveling on the road. My dad is 1 of a kind & I am so blessed&rich in the lessons he has taught me.

Fathers Day is a really special day. I have always loved Fathers Day...there is something about putting all the attention on the leader of the family- the man of the house. Ironic, bc most men do not like all the attention on them. They are hard workers and they definitely deserve a day to themselves- to be appreciated. I feel so lucky to have 2 of the greatest men as my role models. I love my husband&dad so much~

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