The WHITE Family

The WHITE Family

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lupus & a great husband

Today my lupus has been acting crazy. My muscles are killing me...I have been weak and havent been able to eat without getting sick =(. So, Justin being the most wonderful man&husband he is came home from lunch today and made me a big spot on the floor full of blankets and pillows so I could take a really comfy nap. The bed&couches are incredibly hard on my body when i have Lupus. Its kind of weird because I have to have a soft comfy bed to sleep-but when my Lupus flares up soft is the worse thing in the world. OUCH. Its those little things in life he does that make my heart still go pitter patter--even after 8 years lol! He stayed home a bit longer for lunch and let me have an hour nap while he played with Luke and put Luke down in his big boy bed for his nap! Its amazing what a 1 hour nap can do for a tired momma!

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